4 Просмотры· 05/29/24· Новости и политика
It Begins… Army Troops Take Over NYC
The NYC subway is so bad the national guard has been called in to help bring things back to normal... but is having the national guard patrolling nyc normal?
Zoinks - Ballpoint // McLaren - Ballpoint
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**Everything used to make this video**
[Main Camera] https://amzn.to/3VBWywO
[Mic] https://amzn.to/3ptHhz3
[Lens] https://amzn.to/3MZGmmF
[Backpack] https://amzn.to/45pHoP1
[Handheld Tripod] https://amzn.to/3iUp3Ex
[Full Size Tripod] https://amzn.to/3cp2sty
[Lights] https://amzn.to/3izy3ic
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