4 Tampilan· 07/05/24·

950 JDJ FAT MAC vs Zombie Torsos (The World’s Most Powerful Rifle!!!)


In today’s video we blast some zombie torsos with the 950 JDJ FAT MAC! I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching!

Come down and stock up on last minute Father's Day gifts, and meet me at the 5.11 Tactical Nashville store this Saturday, June 15th from 11am - 1pm. Use code 511KYB for a 20% off discount in store and online!


SHE BE KICKIN’ SHIRTS - https://www.kentuckyballistics.....com/products/she-be

The Kentucky Ballistics Gel T-Rex!!! - https://www.clearballistics.co....m/shop/gel-t-rex-3-d

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Kentucky Ballistics videos are filmed on a private shooting range in a controlled setting under the supervision of trained professionals. Kentucky Ballistics videos are for entertainment & educational purposes only. Do not attempt to recreate or mimic anything seen in Kentucky Ballistics videos. Kentucky Ballistics will not be held liable for any injury to yourself, others, or property resulting from attempting anything shown in Kentucky Ballistics videos.

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