How to make money online

The internet offers endless opportunities, and if you invest a little time and effort, you can make money online in many different ways. In this way you can build up an additional income and mainstay to improve your financial situation alongside your job - or you can develop online Makings over time into a larger source of income from which you can live.

We show how you can earn money online - and what you should definitely pay attention to in order to find serious ways and avoid black sheep

Is making money online your desire?

Making money online - many imagine this to be the best and easiest way to top up your own account balance. There are numerous promises, apparent success stories and providers on the Internet, all of which promise enormous sales in a few weeks.

Motto: Making money online is quick and easy and you hardly need to do anything for it.

That sounds too good to be true. And that is usually exactly what it is. With such offers, you cannot earn money online yourself, but rather get ripped off - in the worst case with a criminal scam or you even make yourself liable to prosecution because you are unknowingly involved in fraud or money laundering. So hands off!

Don't have false expectations when making money online

But please don't get this wrong: Making money online is still a good idea! You just need to be careful so that you choose a reputable path. Nothing comes from anything and nobody has any money to give away on the Internet either.

Therefore, if you want to make money online, it should be clear to you that this too involves work and effort. Only with ambition, motivation and patience can you build something online and make money.

Why should you make money on the Internet?

There are several good reasons why making money online is a widespread desire. First of all, there are many different options and there is actually something for everyone. No matter how you want to make money on the internet, if you get involved and are willing to invest the time necessary, there will be an option to go with it. The internet is full of possibilities.

But the benefits don't stop there:

Ø  You are flexible in terms of time and space

Anyone who wants to make money on the internet is not tied to a fixed location and, as a rule, not to strict times. Whether you work from home, go to a cafe or use a co-working space - all you need is a laptop and a stable internet connection.


Ø  You determine the workload yourself

Most of the opportunities to make money online do not have the scope of the job being dictated by the outside world. In other words: whether you work on it two, five or ten hours a week is up to you. In this way, you can adapt the additional effort well to your situation.


Ø  You can combine different ways

To make money online, you don't have to limit yourself to any single path. If you have enough time and the necessary skills, there is nothing wrong with combining different alternatives and thus of course increasing sales.

11 Reputable Ways You Can Make Money Online

Are you still looking for inspiration and ways to make money online - that really work? Then you will definitely find what you are looking for in the following list.

We have compiled 11 reputable ways for you to make money online.

1.      Answer surveys

It is an absolute classic among the possibilities and is possible for everyone - without prior knowledge or a large amount of time. You can register on various portals on the Internet and then take part in surveys for a fee.

For example, it is about the opinions of products or interests of potential customers and buyers. As a rule, you will be assigned suitable surveys that match the information you provided when you registered. The larger and more extensive the survey, the more you can earn from it. But of course you can also increase your pay with a larger number of surveys.

2.     Write a blog

Are you a little linguistically gifted, have a passion for a topic and want to share it with others? Then you can start a blog, post, and build reach. A blog can be monetized in many ways through advertising, paid posts or other possibilities.

However, you should be aware that running a successful blog is a lot of work - and it will take time to generate significant sales. However, if you persevere and maintain your blog, it can be a lucrative opportunity to make money online.

3.     Write an e-book

Nowadays you no longer have to look for a publisher if you want to publish a book - for example, if you want to share your knowledge or useful tips from an area, you can write an e-book and offer it online for purchase or download.


4.     Become a copywriter for others

You can also use good language skills and a skill in formulating as a copywriter. In portals, orders are placed through which you can earn money by creating texts online. A little research may be necessary to orientate yourself in a topic. You will either be paid according to the length of the text (per word) or you will receive a flat rate for the entire text.

5.     Try affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing works through recommendations and links. A simple example: You use an affiliate link on your website to link to a product that you have tested and found to be good. Readers now use this link to buy the product, receive a small commission and earn money in this way.

This way of making money online is therefore particularly suitable as a supplement to other options in which you build up a reach or get in contact with other people - be it your own blog or a social media channel.

6.     Become an online seller

Products that you have produced yourself or used items that you no longer need yourself - you can earn money online via various sales portals. Sort out the closet, look for good but unused things in the basement.

If you really look, you will find a lot that can be turned into money. With the necessary creativity and manual skills, you can also make something yourself and sell it through a small online shop.

7.     Test websites

A homepage should not only look good, it should also be easy and intuitive to use. Before a website goes online, it is therefore tested beforehand, not only by the developers and operators, but often also by independent testers who are supposed to present normal users with no prior knowledge.

Your job is then to use the website, try different functions and report on what you liked, where there were difficulties and what may not have worked at all. You will receive a small payment for this.


8.     Test computer games

Not only websites, but also computer games must be thoroughly tested before they are made available to the general public. Errors (so-called bugs) often creep in here and have to be fixed. Sounds like a lot of fun and a relaxed working atmosphere, but you shouldn't take the task lightly.

For manufacturers of computer games and apps, a lot depends on such a test. Therefore, in order to be able to make money by playing online, you have to be very attentive and document what you have noticed.


9.     Make money on Youtube

Some Youtubers make a fortune with their videos, but even if you don't reach an audience of millions right away, the video platform can be worthwhile for making money online. Basically, you can be successful on YouTube with almost any topic if it has a target group. When you advertise on your videos, each click will earn you a small amount.

The simple calculation: the more people watch your videos, the greater the sales. So pay attention to exciting videos and regular content in order to build up a high number of viewers over a longer period of time.


10.  Build an Instagram channel

Influencer almost seems to have become a dream job for countless young people. Post photos and videos on Instagram, get more and more followers and earn a lot of money online. Although only a small part will be really successful, the same applies here: You don't have to have millions of followers to be able to earn money with an Instagram channel.

Even smaller accounts often receive cooperation requests from companies in a related area. This can be the beauty industry, a manufacturer of clothing or any other company that wants to use the reach on Instagram. This is how you can make money from advertising (which you must label as such).


11.   Work as a virtual assistant

Nowadays, the assistant doesn't necessarily sit at the desk in front of her own office, but possibly in a completely different city. As a so-called virtual assistant, you can take on typical office tasks for someone else and earn money online.

Arranging appointments, preparing presentations, making phone calls or e-mail correspondence can be part of the various tasks. You will then receive payment for your work and can easily earn money online.

How can you make extra money?

Below you will find tips, ideas and inspiration on how you can make extra money. The options are actually numerous. The fewest examples and additional income ensure quick wealth. But they certainly fill up the wallet and can bring a nice plus on the account.



Find yourself a part-time job

The absolute classic for making money extra money is the classic part-time job. A mini job based on 450 euros brings a regular, additional income and can be searched for in a wide variety of professions and industries.

A steady additional income, however, takes time. You sign a second employment contract to which you are bound. Means: You have to coordinate, organize and time two jobs in parallel.


Rent a free room

Do you have a free room or can you free one so you can earn money with it? It can be worth it! The demand for private rooms is particularly high during trade fairs, likewise in popular cities and exciting travel destinations.

You can rent out your room and earn good money through platforms like Airbnb. Attention: Find out about the rules in your city beforehand! Some places restrict the short-term accommodation of paying guests. If you live to rent yourself, it is also advisable to consult the landlord.


Test products

As a product tester you don't make a lot of money. But the job is not too difficult and does not take a lot of time. Those who test products from time to time are often given them in return and can then possibly sell them on eBay.

However, you can only really earn money with the job if you take the tests more professionally. To be a regular product tester, you need to find jobs, apply for them, and write reviews. For example for Amazon or other portals.


Give tutoring

Tutoring is mainly offered by older pupils and students. Even after you've graduated, you can share your knowledge and help others in school and learning. Classically, tutoring revolves around math, vocabulary or grammar.

But you can also offer other courses. A great benefit of this job is that you don't have to be on site to give tutoring. The courses are increasingly taking place virtually and via video conference. Practical: You can earn money from the comfort of your own home!


Offer carpooling

Anyone who travels a lot by car anyway and has vacancies can take other people with them or even work as a driver in their free time. Carpooling or chauffeur services are a good way to make money on the side. Portals such as the Mitfahrzentrale, Uber or FreeNow arrange appropriate jobs. To do this, you usually have to register as a private taxi, provide evidence of a passenger transport ticket and then receive orders.


Make small products

Are you creative, skilled and artistically gifted? Then you could sell your own products in order to be able to  make extra money. There are hardly any limits to your imagination: making cosmetic products, sewing scarves or hats or painting pictures - if you find your niche here, you can earn good money, either at craft or flea markets or on the Internet.

There are now several websites that specialize in these types of homemade products. Above all, Etsy and eBay. But you can also start your own homepage with an online shop and do marketing via Pinterest or Instagram in order to become better known and to reach customers.



Making money online is more flexible, requires less time and planning effort. Unfortunately, the high demand means that there are dubious providers and black sheep in this area. Take these steps above and make money online